Coma Cluster of galaxies
Eight years passed since the night I imaged the Coma Cluster for the first time. It was 6 inches then, and 10 inches now. It was 200 minutes then,…
Messier 98
Messier 98 is nice, almost edge-on (74 degrees inclination) galaxy located about 44 million light years away. It is a member of Virgo Cluster, but…
Messier 85 and NGC4394
Messier 85 (NGC4382) is a quite bright and easy target both for visual and photographic observations. It can be spotted with binoculars, and is an…
M85 and NGC4394
M85 and NGC4394 galaxies are a nice pair, apparently close to each other, but quite far away in real. Messier 85 (larger, to the right) is a…
One more NGC4565 Needle
I have imaged NGC4565 already here and here, but on last Zatom astroparty I took a look onto this galaxy and could not resist to picture is again…
NGC4559 galaxy at Coma
NGC4559 is little bit forgotten intermediate spiral galaxy in Coma Berenices. It is located about 30 million light years away and belongs to Coma I…
NGC4565 Needle Galaxy
I already made an attempt to NGC4565 Needle Galaxy here with 6" newtonian and Atik314L+ camera, and it was long time ago. It is magnificent object,…
Coma Cluster
It's been over three years since I pictured Abell 1656 Coma Cluster of galaxies in the astrojolo Deep Field One entry. This cluster is about 320…
Virgo at Coma
At the touchpoint of Virgo and Coma Berenices constellations Virgo Galaxy Cluster occures. Located about 60 million light years away, it is well…