Northern lights (aurora borealis)
Northern lights are the result of disturbances in the Earth’s magnetosphere caused by the solar wind. The solar wind consists of charged…
XVI Zatom astroparty - spring 2018
Weather forecasts were mixed for XVI astroparty in Zatom, but despite this we had two out of three nights full of stars. Zatom is located far away…
Deep sky colors
I have been asked several times if the colors presented at astroimages are natural, or they are just an effect of processing and author imagination.…
The hen's beak
Somewhere around 430 light years away in constellation of Cygnus there is an Albireo star. When you look at it with binoculars or larger instrument…
Edwin Coddington visits Great Bear
IC2574 dwarf galaxy is a member of M81 Group. It has been discovered in 1898 by Edwin Coddington so it is also known as Coddington Nebula. Total…
Great Bear's fleece
I meant to picture IFN (Integrated Flux Nebula) with Great Bear's galaxies, but eventually I pictured galaxies with traces of IFN :) Dark sky in…
Wide fields
As I mentioned in New telescope first light my new scope has piggybacked camera lens, so I can try to picture some wide field starfields…
Wobbling Moon
One may think the Moon is faced towards us always the same side. Well, yes and no :) Actually the Moon oscillates a little during its orbital motion,…
Serious (black and white) astronomy - SN2014bv
Once I started to be interested in astronomy I believed deep sky tiny galaxies black and white pictures are 'seriuos' ones. I still believe this :)…