At the touchpoint of Virgo and Coma Berenices constellations Virgo Galaxy Cluster occures. Located about 60 million light years away, it is well known set of galaxies, very popular both among visual obserwers and astrophotographers. Virgo Cluster contains over 1500 galaxies (and possibly up to 2000) and spans to north into Coma Berenices constellation. Central part of the wide field picture below is Markarian’s Chain pictured by me one year ago – Remote worlds in the Markarian’s Chain

Virgo Galaxy Cluster wide field image
Virgo Galaxy Cluster wide field image

The picture above has been imaged with Canon 450D camera and 70-200 zoom lens at 135mm f/4. It is 50 subexposures, 5 minutes each one stacked. Made from my backyard, so no bells and whistles, sky as usual about 5mag NELM. 

Some hints what is where below 🙂
Virgo Galaxy Cluster annotated
Virgo Galaxy Cluster annotated
Clear skies!