Coma Cluster (Abell 1656)

Coma Cluster of galaxies

Eight years passed since the night I imaged the Coma Cluster for the first time. It was 6 inches then, and 10 inches now. It was 200 minutes then,…

Distant clusters around M82

M82 Cigar Galaxy is well object known to astronomy amateurs. If you are visual observer, then you most probably have already seen it. If you are…

Needle galaxies

There are a whole lot of galaxies in Virgo, and among them there are nice although small spiral one - NGC5364. This one and its neighbours I have…

Coma Cluster

It's been over three years since I pictured Abell 1656 Coma Cluster of galaxies in the astrojolo Deep Field One entry. This cluster is about 320…

Virgo at Coma

At the touchpoint of Virgo and Coma Berenices constellations Virgo Galaxy Cluster occures. Located about 60 million light years away, it is well…