Messier 56 in Lyra
I always liked star clusters set against the stars of the Milky Way, and Messier 56 globular cluster is a perfect example of it. M56 is neither large…
Coma Cluster of galaxies
Eight years passed since the night I imaged the Coma Cluster for the first time. It was 6 inches then, and 10 inches now. It was 200 minutes then,…
The Fox Head
NGC6819 Fox Head is a remote star open cluster in Cygnus constellation, nearby Lyra. This one is about 7200 light years away and contains not so…
Monkey Head
NGC2175 Monkey Head nebula is in the boundary of Orion constellation - but very close to Gemini, under they feet I would say :) In absolute terms…
WeBo1 and Mel15
Do you remember december molecular trophies? There were hydrogen alpha only band of Melotte 15 open cluster in the middle of the Heart nebula…
V0799 Aur photometry
Last night again I pointed telescope to a variable star for 120 minutes. This time it was V0799 Aur variable (…
Crazy Egeria
Last night I spent on (13) Egeria asteroid photometry. It is large and irregular object that rotates with period of 7.045 hours, so during winter…
December molecular trophies
Over December I collected some significant amount of photons - mainly narrowband ones. Now I need to process them somehow to create pretty pictures,…
Crab in the mist - update
Two days ago day after wet day it came pretty clean evening. However it quickly changed to ubiquitous myst. That plus crescent Moon made very poor…
Perseus in California
Well, actually it is vice versa - California nebula in Perseus constellation. It is large emission nebula, it spans almost 2.5 degree long over the…
As close as 353636km
Distance to the Moon varies between 356 and 406 thousands of kilometers (measured to Earth center). Last night I pictured our natural satellite one…
Rosette one more time
I pictured NGC2244 Rosette nebula almost three years ago. It was 6" newtonian then and CCD camera. A few days ago again it came to my field of view -…