Sh2-188 nebula in Cassiopeia

Sh2-188 Dolphin nebula

Planetary nebulae do not always look like rings or blobs, and Sh2-188 is an example of that. It was photographed for the first time in 1965 and was…

M57 - The Ring AD2019

If you are interested in more details about Messier 57 The Ring nebula, you can look for some earlier entries about it. It is one of the objects I…

Abell 82 planetary unknown

Abell 82 is at the very end of the list of popular astroimaging targets. This planetary nebula has apparent size similar to size of well known M57…


KjPn8 planetary nebula in Cassiopeia

KjPn8 is not well known planetary nebula in Cassiopeia, though probably many of astroimages contain this object, because it is quite close to famous…

Dumbbell M27 - deeper look (IOTD)

M27 Dumbbell (aka Apple Core Nebula) was the first planetary nebula to be discovered (in 1764 by Charles Messier). From his notes he reports: I…

The Ring - M57

Messier 57 is a planetary nebula with all the consequences. It was formed about 7,000 years ago, when a dying red giant star expelled its shell of…

Strange NGC6765 planetary nebula

NGC6765 (PK 62+9.1) is small (apparent Jupiter size) and faint (about 13mag) planetary nebula in Lyra. There is not much more information available…

Abell 61

Abell 61

Abell 61 is pretty faint and pretty ancient planetary nebula in Cygnus. It is located somewhere around 4,500 light years away and its age is…

M1 Crab HORGB crop

M1 Crab nebula - born in 1054

M1 Crab nebula - first item in the Charles Messier catalogue. Messier was a comet hunter who created catalogue of fuzzy objects in the sky, so they…

NGC2392 Eskimo Nebula

NGC2392 is a planetary nebula in Gemini constellation. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1787, and is known as Eskimo or Clownface Nebula -…

Bubble and elusive KjPn 8

Few days ago I put here an entry with NGC7635 Bubble nebula in hydrogen alpha band. Later on I collected some data with RGB filters (3x40 minutes)…

Messier 46 and two bubbles

Messier 46 is an open cluster in Puppis constellation. It is pretty low above horizon at my location, so I needed to wait for convenient moment to…