Autumn Cepheus and Cygnus nebulae
The transition from summer to autumn in the northern hemisphere creates a convenient opportunity for observation of the Milky Way. It shines high in…
Gamma Cygni nebula - Cygnus heart
Cygnus constellation is located in the Milky Way band – actually, it is located in the most prominent Milky Way part visible from the northern…
TS-Optics PhotoLine 130 a few images
TS-Optics PhotoLine 130mm triplet is back. I used to have this telescope a few years ago and made quite a lot of pictures and observations using it.…
NGC6820 nebula and NGC6823 cluster
NGC6820 is an emission nebula in the constellation of Vulpecula. That is part of a significantly larger nebula Sharpless 2-86. According to some…
Astrophotography holidays in Crete
Crete is a marvelous place for holidays. You will find here both crowded places to meet people, but also very remote locations, where beaches are…
Rosette nebula HST palette
There is a well-defined list of the most prominent astrophotography targets, and the Rosette nebula in Monoceros has been on this list since the…
Sh2-132 Lion nebula
Autumn is a perfect time for collecting astrophotographic data on emission nebulae, which spread across different places in the northern sky. One of…
Cygnus Loop mosaic
There are several constellations considered autumn objects, and Cygnus is definitely one of them. And there are several popular astroimaging targets…
IC5146 Cocoon nebula with Barnard 168
It has been already ten years since I imaged the IC5146 Cocoon nebula with the neighboring Barnard 168 dark cloud for the first time. This time my…
Sh2-171 aka NGC7822 emission nebula
NGC7822 star-forming complex in the constellation Cepheus is located about 3,000 light-years away from us. It contains Berkeley 59 star open cluster…
IC1805 Heart nebula
There are more and less known objects in the sky, and one of the measures of popularity is the target’s number of names and symbols. The IC1805…
Tadpoles and Flaming Star nebulae
Flaming Star (IC405) and Tadpoles (IC410) nebulae are well-known objects in the constellation of Auriga. Both are emission nebula types, and their…