Gamma Cygni nebula - Cygnus heart
Cygnus constellation is located in the Milky Way band – actually, it is located in the most prominent Milky Way part visible from the northern…
NGC6820 nebula and NGC6823 cluster
NGC6820 is an emission nebula in the constellation of Vulpecula. That is part of a significantly larger nebula Sharpless 2-86. According to some…
Rosette nebula HST palette
There is a well-defined list of the most prominent astrophotography targets, and the Rosette nebula in Monoceros has been on this list since the…
Sh2-132 Lion nebula
Autumn is a perfect time for collecting astrophotographic data on emission nebulae, which spread across different places in the northern sky. One of…
Cygnus Loop mosaic
There are several constellations considered autumn objects, and Cygnus is definitely one of them. And there are several popular astroimaging targets…
Sh2-171 aka NGC7822 emission nebula
NGC7822 star-forming complex in the constellation Cepheus is located about 3,000 light-years away from us. It contains Berkeley 59 star open cluster…
Narrowband colours
If you are an astroimaging amateur and capturing narrowband frames, you probably already needed to make a decision - how to compose all these…
Bubble and elusive KjPn 8
Few days ago I put here an entry with NGC7635 Bubble nebula in hydrogen alpha band. Later on I collected some data with RGB filters (3x40 minutes)…
Deep sky colors
I have been asked several times if the colors presented at astroimages are natural, or they are just an effect of processing and author imagination.…
Crescent and Soap Bubble
At the end of August I collected some more light to extreme classic - NGC6888 Crescent nebula in Cygnus. It is emission nebula placed about 5000…
December molecular trophies
Over December I collected some significant amount of photons - mainly narrowband ones. Now I need to process them somehow to create pretty pictures,…
Pelican can wait
Here it is some color added to hydrogen black and white picture from Pelican in Swan post. Hydrogen presence has been mapped to green…