NGC6946 Fireworks Galaxy

NGC6946 Fireworks Galaxy

I have already approached the NGC6946 Fireworks Galaxy, but only once – twelve years ago. I used a Canon 20D camera then, and a popular 150mm…

Markarian's Chain of galaxies in Virgo cluster

Markarian's Chain of galaxies

Markarian’s Chain consists of a line of several galaxies that curves north and east from M84 and M86. It extends well over 1 degree and reaches…

Coma Cluster (Abell 1656)

Coma Cluster of galaxies

Eight years passed since the night I imaged the Coma Cluster for the first time. It was 6 inches then, and 10 inches now. It was 200 minutes then,…

Messier 63 spiral galaxy 2023

Messier 63 Sunflower galaxy

Messier 63 Sunflower galaxy is somehow an iconic object. Once you saw it, you probably will not forget it. It is a spiral galaxy with no central bar…

Messier 98 crop

Messier 98

Messier 98 is nice, almost edge-on (74 degrees inclination) galaxy located about 44 million light years away. It is a member of Virgo Cluster, but…

Messier 85 and NGC4394

Messier 85 (NGC4382) is a quite bright and easy target both for visual and photographic observations. It can be spotted with binoculars, and is an…

NGC5033 spiral galaxy

NGC5033 is not in the primary or even secondary list of astrophotography targets. This spiral galaxy lies about 40 million light years away and can…

NGC3718 and Hickson 56 in Ursa Major

This object was on my astroimaging target list since I remember. I am perfectly aware that imaging galaxies under suburban sky is pretty demanding…

Arp 319 Stephan's Quintet

Stephan's Quintet

There are many galaxies in the Universe, and sometimes two of them will come close enough to start interact between them. But it may be more than…

M82 Cigar Galaxy

I already imaged M82 together with M81, and also recorded SN2014J supernova in this galaxy, but Messier 82 (also known as Cigar Galaxy) itself has…

Messier 51 Whirlpool AD2019

I have already imaged M51 galaxy several times. I think it is actually my most often imaged galaxy (though it may be M82 as well :) ) But it is no…

Distant clusters around M82

M82 Cigar Galaxy is well object known to astronomy amateurs. If you are visual observer, then you most probably have already seen it. If you are…