Sh2-188 nebula in Cassiopeia

Sh2-188 Dolphin nebula

Planetary nebulae do not always look like rings or blobs, and Sh2-188 is an example of that. It was photographed for the first time in 1965 and was…

Cassiopeia and Cepheus widefield

Cassiopeia and Cepheus

As you may already know Cassiopeia was a queen of Aethiopia and wife of king Cepheus. These mythological characters were put together also in the…

Cocoon and friends

First look at this frame will be definitely attracted to well known Cocoon nebula (IC5146) that is both emission HII region but also reflective…

Supergiant star in Cygnus Heart

Nights in July are short, and long time deep sky exposures must be split into several days to achieve decent result with many-hours images. However…

Flaming Star

IC405 Flaming Star is beautiful emission-reflection nebula in constellation of Auriga. It is placed in rich area od Milky Way about 1500 light years…

Perseus in California

Well, actually it is vice versa - California nebula in Perseus constellation. It is large emission nebula, it spans almost 2.5 degree long over the…

Hydrogen Phantom Mask

This one is HII molecular hydrogen cloud in Perseus arm of our Galaxy. It's Sharpless number is Sh2-173, and can be found in Cassiopeia close to…

QHY163M fine tuning side effects

Well, nothing really happened fortunately :)  "Side effects" here means only one more target that I was able to picture last night, when I have been…

Cave in the sky

Cepheus attacks again - this time with the Cave nebula (aka Sh2-155 or Caldwell 9). It is beautiful object in LRGB, but requires dark sky for this…

Enchanting hydrogen

Today's gem nickname is Wizard, due to its shape that resembles medieval magician. The official Wizard nebula symbol is Sh2-142 at Sharpless…

Planetary newbie (PuWe 1)

Well, not newbie as "young", but rather "recently discovered". PuWe 1 (PNG 158.9 + 17.8) is a pretty large (about 20 arc minutes diameter) planetary…