Astro Arduino - part II - weather monitor
So, in the previous part we learned some basics - how to switch pin on and off, and then relays that can control power for devices, or for example…
Astro Arduino - part I
Arduino is open hardware platform that became extremely popular due to its simplicity, free and friendly development environment and massive number…
AstroHub 3.0 - almost there
Just a bunch of pictures - prototype is done, software 95% completed and tested.
AstroHub on its way
JoloFocuser (Arduino ASCOM focuser kit ,ASCOM telescope focuser with Arduino ) almost has another revision - codename AstroHub 3.0 :) Prototype has…
Arduino ASCOM focuser kit
Maybe you remember the ASCOM jolo focuser project - now it has the production implementation! Some of my astro colleagues took a chance and we made…
Arduino telescope focuser real life tests
In the first part (ASCOM telescope focuser with Arduino) short description of the project was presented. Last night I have noticed a few stars (yeah,…
ASCOM telescope focuser with Arduino
Another step has been made to have automated astrophotography setup - the focuser. SharpSky project was successfuly implemented in my second version…