In the first part (ASCOM telescope focuser with Arduino) short description of the project was presented. Last night I have noticed a few stars (yeah, maybe a few dozens) and it was enough to do some real life tests of the focuser project. 


FocusMax software was chosen to deal with homemade telescope focuser. After few moments of setup the V-curve of the system was determined. The process ran surprisingly fast and without any problems. Both side slope values were pretty similar, so I was quite happy with the result. 
After this I spent like half an hour on focusing for different star fields with different filters, and the success factor was 100%. Each time the system was able to reach focus point within 30 seconds. HFD value was in the range of 1.7-2.15 depending on automatically selected star and current filter in the optical path (currently my set contains only UV/IR cut, R, G, and B filters produced by Baader Planetarium).
So it seems everything works fine and I am even more prepared for (hopefully) incoming starry nights…