Last night sky was partially cloudy, however Moon has been smiling to me so nice, that I could not resist and set up little bit dusty SCT8″ with CG5GT mount and pointed telescope there. Actually I pointed it at the beginning at Venus that was already very low at west. Thin crescent was clearly visible, and it was pretty large, however turbulences at so low altitute were quite significant. So I turned to the Moon, and admired it visually with 16mm eyepiece for a while. Then I attached TVx2 barlow lens, red filter and ASI290MM camera and recorded few movies. It turned out that seeing was far from perfect, but anyway, three of last night pictures are maybe worth to show 🙂 And it is season opening, so hopefully it will be better soon 🙂

Ptolemaeus (largest in the frame) crater region
Ptolemaeus (largest in the frame) crater region
Deslandres crater (large at left) and its neighbours
Deslandres crater (large at left) and its neighbours
Crater Moretus (large at the left) near to Moon south pole
Crater Moretus (large at the left) near to Moon south pole

Clear skies!