April 2018 Moonscapes

Last few days here in Poland were quite impressive for astronomy amateurs. Weather was good and stable in large area, and also Moon was moving from…

March 2018 Moonscapes

Over last two nights Moon was near to first quarter and was shining high in the night sky. I spent some very nice time at eyepiece on observations.…

Five days left to Super/Blue/Full Moon

On Wednesday, January 31st there will be rare Moon event. It will be Full Moon. And it will also be third Supermoon in the row - it means it is Full…

May in the Moon

It's getting close to summer solstice. Nights are shorter and shorter, and there is also growing Moon in the sky - not a good time for deep sky…

Short course to Jupiter

On May, 16th with my astro amateur friend we spent a few hours on Jupiter observing from my backyard - it was kind of test with different optics. We…

Moon 2017 season opening

Last night sky was partially cloudy, however Moon has been smiling to me so nice, that I could not resist and set up little bit dusty SCT8" with…

Imperfect Sun

AR12546 is the symbol of sunspot group (Active Region) that has been passing over sun disk since one week. It is pretty huge and can be spotted…

ASI290MM - hot stuff

It's been already over one week since ASI290MM camera arrived to me directly from Shangai. It is a new ASI product, very low noise, 2.13Mpx back…

Moonwalk May 14-15

First Moon lights of ASI290MM camera with SCT8" - getting used to the new gear and preparing for mosaic. Filters Baader R610nm and Baader IR pass…