NGC7000 is a well known emission nebula in Cygnus, close to prominent Deneb star. Whole NGC7000 North America is large cloud of interstellar matter that covers area of several apparent Moon size. But its surface brightness is low, so it is an extreme object for naked eye observations, and we need at least binoculars to spot it. North America and IC5070 Pelican nebulae are a part of the same molecular cloud. Recent infrared studies indicates, that star 2MASS J205551.25+435224.6 may be responsible for ionisation of this cloud. This is hot O-type star obscured with clouds of dark matter, and invisible to visual observations. Distance to NGC7000 is about 1800 light years. And Cygnus Wall is a part of this cloud.
Under this name we will find the area of active star formation. New born stars are embedded in the dark clouds in this area, and can be revealed in the infrared images of this region. I captured the image below over few summer nights, when transparency was far from perfect, but seeing was good. And these conditions are reflected in the final image: detail is somehow good, but signal to noise ratio is low (for 400 minutes of integration time). Unfortunately my astro-shed is not located in any premium site. There are very rare nights when seeing is very good and I am able to capture images with good detail and resolution. That’s why such I need to plan such project over several years and wait for good conditions to come.
![NGC7000 Cygnus Wall](
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![Cygnus Wall location in wide field image of NGC7000](
Image technical data: Date: 28-31 August, 2019 Location: Nieborowice, Poland Telescope: Meade ACF 10" Corrector: AP CCDT67 Camera: QHY163M, gain 100 Mount: SW EQ6 Guiding: SW 80/400 + ASI290MM Exposure: Ha 200x2 minutes Conditions: seeing good, transparency average
Clear skies!