A few nights ago clouds went out somewhere for some time, and despite of almost full Moon I decided to catch some light. I quickly placed wide field setup outside and pointed it to Cygnus again. This time there is NGC7000 North America and Pelican nebulae complex in the frame centre. I collected 24 frames 5 minutes each of hydrogen alpha band with Samyang 135 and QHY163M camera on Smart EQ mount. And second image is the same plus 20×5 minutes of Oiii band and 3×15 minutes of RGB color.

Many things happened and still is going on in this area. North America nebula, Pelican nebula, many Barnard dust clouds, star clusters. It is extraordinary region of the sky, both for imaging but also visually – although in this latter case dark sky is highly recommended. Under dark sky this objects are available also in binoculars. Deep sky filters may help a little. This region of Milky Way is full of treasures. The richest emission nebulae area in the northern sky (in overall competition probably the winner is Sagittarius 🙂 )

NGC7000 nebula in Cygnus imaged in hydrogen alpha band
NGC7000 nebula in Cygnus imaged in hydrogen alpha band

Large version here https://astrojolo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/2017-07-06-N7000H.jpg

NGC7000 North America and Pelican nebulae in Cygnus
NGC7000 North America and Pelican nebulae in Cygnus

Large version https://astrojolo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/2017-07-13-N7000HORGB3.jpg

Annotated image

Clear skies!