M56 globular cluster in Lyra

Messier 56 in Lyra

I always liked star clusters set against the stars of the Milky Way, and Messier 56 globular cluster is a perfect example of it. M56 is neither large…

M57 - The Ring AD2019

If you are interested in more details about Messier 57 The Ring nebula, you can look for some earlier entries about it. It is one of the objects I…

Strange NGC6765 planetary nebula

NGC6765 (PK 62+9.1) is small (apparent Jupiter size) and faint (about 13mag) planetary nebula in Lyra. There is not much more information available…

Lesser-known space around NGC6791

There is whole lot of famous astroimaging targets in the Milky Way around Cygnus. NGC6791 open cluster is not one them. It is rarely imaged and…