NGC6765 (PK 62+9.1) is small (apparent Jupiter size) and faint (about 13mag) planetary nebula in Lyra. There is not much more information available on this strange planetary nebula. Distance to the nebula is estimated to 7600 light years and its age is estimated to 4000 years. NGC6765 was discovered by Albert Marth in 1864. This astronom has discovered 583 objects that has later been placed in the NGC catalogue. 

Image below was made in June 2018 at my backyard observatory. It is composition of subframes made with LRGB filters. Total exposure time was about 2.5 hours. Such tiny and faint object requires more data collected to reveal any structure and real features. Plus seeing must be at premium level. The field of view of my Meade ACF 10″ based imaging setup is about 30×40 arc minutes, and still you can see how small the nebula is. But actually I like such dense star field with some objects immersed in there. Astronomy images are often focused on the main target only. And sometimes it is nice feeling to see some well known objects (or completely unknown) with wider context.

NGC6765 planetary nebula in Lyra
NGC6765 planetary nebula in Lyra

Large version

NGC6765 nebula close-up inverted
NGC6765 nebula close-up inverted

Clear skies!

Image technical data: 

Date: 05.06.2018 
Location: Nieborowice, Poland 
Telescope: Meade ACF 10" 
Corrector: AP CCDT67 
Camera: QHY163M, gain 100 
Mount: SW EQ6 
Guiding: SW 80/400 + ASI290MM 
Exposure: L 40x2, RGB 15:12:15x2 minutes 
Conditions: seeing average, transparency good