There is plenty of interesting areas between Cassiopeia and Cepheus. Frame pictured below can be found next to famous Bubble nebula. This area…
The Hole in the Cluster
There is some open star clusters in Cygnus.Joke!There is whole lot of open clusters in Cygnus! NGC6811 is one of them, pretty large, pretty old (1…
Messier 48 lost-and-found
Messier 48 is a star open cluster in the constellation of Hydra. It spans over almost one degree in the sky and contains about 80 stars placed about…
Kite in the sky
NGC1664 Kite is a star open cluster you can find in Auriga constellation. This one is about 3700 light years away and apparently it is visible in the…
Untamed Seven Sisters
Bad weather drives me crazy. In December last year I collected RGB frames for M45 Pleiades open cluster. I already had luminance only, but conditions…
Open cluster trio (astrosclerosis)
I was a little bit busy during the night of December, 30th and I have been looking for quick 2-3h frame. The M38 cluster in Auriga and its…
M29 - so obscured
Messier 29 is yet another open star cluster in the Cyngus constellation. Its stars belongs to the Cygnus OB1 association. Five brighters stars of…
Planetary mite
After a few days spent on post processing Pelican nebula ( Pelican can wait ) I decided to rest a little and collect some human readable color…
Wide fields
As I mentioned in New telescope first light my new scope has piggybacked camera lens, so I can try to picture some wide field starfields…
Young and old clusters. And carbon star.
Messier 38 - that is the name of open star cluster in the Auriga constellation. Together with nearby M36 and M37 they are grouped at a distance…
Rosette stars - blue is hot
Not so long time ago Saint Valentine's Rosette appeared in my blog. A few days later I pictured a little bit of RGB light to this frame, so it is now…
Saint Valentine's Rosette - update
NGC2244 is formal code of the star open cluster placed about 5000 light years away in the constellation Monoceros (Unicorn). The stars in this…