Retro Seven Sisters
The Pleiades or Seven Sisters is an open star cluster located in constellation Taurus. Contains middle aged (about 100 million years old), hot, blue…
Mirror figure tested by Perseus
At the end of last year I sent my telescope mirors to cover with fresh reflective layer of aluminium and also to improve its shape. So called 'mirror…
Bubble hydrogen attack
Not so long time ago I shot Bubble Nebula with modded Canon 450D. Total exposure was 6.5h and I was pretty happy with the outcome. But the time has…
NGC7822 star nursery
There are many hidden astrophoto treasures in the constellation of Cepheus (although not so many for visual observations). One of them is nebulosity…
Eleven hours with Little Fox
Vulpecula is latin name for Little Fox constellation. It is little and contains no bright stars. It is placed nearby Swan constellation in the pretty…
Bubble friends
In the border of Cepheus and Cassiopeia constellations some interesting objects can be found. The most famous is probably Bubble Nebula (NGC7635 aka…