This is not quite often imaged area of the sky. It lies at the border of Perseus and Camelopardalis (Giraffe) constellations. This place is mostly occupied by dark clouds. Several of them were catalogued by Professor Barnard, and even more are present as LDN catalogue entries. There is not much more information about these clouds available. Just anonymous dusts in the space, and the largest is Barnard 8 dark nebula.

Wide field imaging under dark skies is a real pleasure. When you have fast lens, sensitive camera and you are far away from light pollution sources, then each frame is an instant reward. Plus you have opportunity to see well known targets in the context of neighboring area. This kind of imaging is not recommended for small objects like planetary nebulae or galaxies. But sky areas with large emission nebulae, or dark dust clouds are perfect candidates for such kind of astroimaging. The darker the sky is and the more data you collect, the easier later processing is. Like in the example below: this Barnard 8 dark nebula image did not require any extensive processing after stacking subframes and stretching.

Barnards 8-13 dark clouds
Barnards 8-13 dark clouds

Large version

Below is a screenshot of corresponding sky are made in CdC software. You can find more detailed annotations at Jim Thommes page.

Cartes du Ciel screenshot of captured area
Cartes du Ciel screenshot of captured area

Clear skies!

Image technical data: 

Date: August, 15 2018 
Location: Odargowo, Poland 
Telescope: Samyang 135/2 @ f/2.8 
Corrector: none 
Camera: QHY163M, gain 100 
Mount: iOptron SmartEQ Pro 
Guiding: 50mm guidescope + ASI290MM 
Exposure: LRGB 120:30:30:30 x 30 seconds 
Conditions: transparency good