On Wednesday, January 31st there will be rare Moon event. It will be Full Moon. And it will also be third Supermoon in the row – it means it is Full Moon in the same time the Moon is very close to Earth in its orbit. And also it will be Blue Moon! This last means it is second Full Moon in the same month. And topping things off – there will be total lunar eclipse visible in the North America.

It is still five days left to these event, but last night I spent about half an hour on observing Silver Globe. It was pretty intense, however seeing was not terrific 🙁  Here are two images from last night. First one is four pane mosaic made with Meade ACF 10″ telescope andQHY163M camera. And second is Copernicus crater close-up made with the same telescope and ASI290MM camera plus TV x2 barlow.

Moon four pane mosaic through green filter
Moon four pane mosaic through green filter

Large version https://astrojolo.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/2018-01-26-MOON-2.jpg

Copernicus crater
Copernicus crater

Clear skies!