This year January was a really cloudy time. That’s why I was even more surprised by sudden clear night that occurred on January, 19th. Conditions were not perfect – transparency was mediocre, few days left to Full Moon, but seeing was decent. From my target list I picked fragment of well known IC1805 Heart Nebula: in its north-west tip there is a hydrogen region that has separate symbol. It is IC1795, aka Fish Head nebula (also North Bear).
This hydrogen cloud is known to be an active star forming region. It is placed about 6,000 light years away from us and extends through Perseus arm of our Galaxy. There are few dominant stars in this region. These are hot stars of spectral type O and B, and their age is estimated to 3 to 5 million years. The shell structure that enclosures the complex is estimated to be 6 to 20 million years old.
Despite of decent seeing the overall detail level in the image is not impressive. It is partially caused by low signal to noise ratio, that did not left much room for performing much of postprocessing techniques. Total integration time is 5 hours, but poor transparency and presence of Moon did not help.

Large version
Clear skies!
Image technical data:
Date: 19.10.2018
Location: Nieborowice, Poland
Telescope: Meade ACF 10"
Corrector: AP CCDT67
Camera: QHY163M, gain 100
Mount: SW EQ6
Guiding: SW 80/400 + ASI290MM
Exposure: H alpha 100x3 minutes
Conditions: suburban sky, seeing good, transparency average, Moon present