CCD photometry with medium size setup
Photometry does not require a large telescope or a perfect sky – especially if you do the photometry with a CCD camera. Medium size refractor…
1304 Arosa photometry
1304 Arosa asteroid is yet another main belt object that orbits the Sun in 5 years and 9 months. Arosa diameter is estimated to 40km, and it is…
(367) Amicitia
Amicitia is typical main belt asteroid. It orbits the Sun during 3 years and 112 days in average distance of 2.22 astronomical units (about 340 mln…
1321 Majuba photometry
(1321) Majuba is one of very many asteroids in the Solar System. It orbits around Sun with the period of 5 years and 21 days in the average distance…
Finding variable stars with Muniwin
In this entry I would like to quickly show how Muniwin supports finding of variable stars. As input data you will need images of the same sky area…
Photometry with Muniwin
Measuring variability of celestial objects brightness is one of the most rewarding task, that can be picked up by astronomy amateur. Variable stars…
V0799 Aur photometry
Last night again I pointed telescope to a variable star for 120 minutes. This time it was V0799 Aur variable (…
Huge and fast
Among plethora of variable stars there is large subset of really fast changers. It is really amazing, how these huge blobs of plasma can change their…
Crazy Egeria
Last night I spent on (13) Egeria asteroid photometry. It is large and irregular object that rotates with period of 7.045 hours, so during winter…
Hunt for TrES-3b exoplanet transit
Nights in June are very short in central Europe - not even three hours. Fortunately the TrES3-b exoplanet minimum lasts only about hour and on the…