Last night again I pointed telescope to a variable star for 120 minutes. This time it was V0799 Aur variable ( ) . This one is of type HADS – High Amplitude Delta Scuti. High amplitude does not mean really high, it changes its brightness only about 0.3mag in visual band, but again – it is fast changer. I pretty liked this kind of variables, you can collect 2-3 hours of data and have immediate reward – complete photometry light curve 🙂

Data has been collected with QHY163M camera, 130 mm Photoline refractor and Baader V filter. Single exposure was 30 seconds. Seeing good, transparency poor.

V0799 Aur photometry light curve
V0799 Aur photometry light curve

And annotated stacked frames:

V0799 Aur starfield
V0799 Aur starfield

Large version:

Clear skies!