Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner
Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner has been discovered in 1900 by Michael Giacobini for the first time. Its another approach has been missed, and in 1913 it…
C/2013 in Pegasus
Comet C/2013 PanSTARRS is currently travelling across Pegasus constellation. It is approaching to the Sun to reach perihelion in April, 2016, and it…
Comets wanted
There is no spectacular comet right now in the heavens, but I have not pictured any of them for some time, so I started to miss them :) I picked up…
Comet to be seen
Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) has been discovered by Terry Lovejoy on August, 17th 2014. He used 8 inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. The comet was these…
C/2014 E2 Jacques
This comet also currently moves away from Earth. You can see how faint it appears on the picture below (marked with red lines). At the moment the…
C/2011 J2 LINEAR
C/2011 J2 LINEAR is a comet, just another one, not very famous. Discovered in May, 2011 in LINEAR program. It had then apparent brightness of…
Comet C/2012 K1 meets galaxy
Of course just apparently. Over the night of May 20th comet C/2012K1 PANSTARRS has been moving on the sky nearby NGC3726 galaxy. The galaxy is medium…
Do you think it means anything? :) Well yes, that is the way astronomers calls comets. First letter indicates if comet is periodic (P) or not (C).…
Morning comet triplet
There are always at least few comets visible in the sky. Usually there is one large enough comet to be visible in binoculars and others tha can bee…