Orion Belt

Orion Belt with or without stars

Southern hemisphere people are definitely more privileged when you consider large and bright nebulae. All the Milky Way between Gemini to the south…

Alnitak and Mintaka spectra

Alnitak and Mintaka are two bright stars located at the ends of Orion's Belt. Both belongs to rare spectral class O, that comprises the hottest and…

Winter open clusters

NGC1662 and NGC2420 are two open clusters of stars. Both are present on the winter sky, and both are not very popular targets - neither visual, nor…

Into the Orion Nebula

M42 Orion Nebula is well known even for people who are not into the astronomy. M42 can be seen with naked eye, and it is probably the most often…

Monkey Head

NGC2175 Monkey Head nebula is in the boundary of Orion constellation - but very close to Gemini, under they feet I would say :) In absolute terms…

December molecular trophies

Over December I collected some significant amount of photons - mainly narrowband ones. Now I need to process them somehow to create pretty pictures,…

Orion the Hunter

Probably many of you heard and saw Orion Nebula - there is not much to add in this area actually. I also wanted to have it pictured, but last year…

Wide fields

As I mentioned in New telescope first light my new scope has piggybacked camera lens, so I can try to picture some wide field starfields…

Elusive Orion

Winter is slowly fading away (hopefully) and during this time Orion has been shining at the sky with its gems. Among the bright Orion's stars there…

Hydrogen Horse Head

Orion is one of well known gems of the winter sky (in northern hemisphere). Great Orion Nebula is probably the most popular object there, but also…

Quick Orion test

Just to present quick five minutes test picture of Orion Nebula M42. It is one of the brightest nebulae in the sky and is placed about 1340 light…