TS-Optics PhotoLine 130 a few images
TS-Optics PhotoLine 130mm triplet is back. I used to have this telescope a few years ago and made quite a lot of pictures and observations using it.…
Crescent and Soap Bubble
At the end of August I collected some more light to extreme classic - NGC6888 Crescent nebula in Cygnus. It is emission nebula placed about 5000…
Supergiant star in Cygnus Heart
Nights in July are short, and long time deep sky exposures must be split into several days to achieve decent result with many-hours images. However…
QHY163M a few more pictures
Weather is far from being perfect, so I am not really able to shot any pretty pictures with new camera. Plus I had a little miscollimated refractor…
Bloody sky
Not so long time ago I presented Crescent Nebula in hydrogen alpha emission line. The picture was black and white, but in fact the color that…