IC1805 Heart Nebula HORGB

IC1805 Heart nebula

There are more and less known objects in the sky, and one of the measures of popularity is the target’s number of names and symbols. The IC1805…

IC410 and IC405 nebulae

Tadpoles and Flaming Star nebulae

Flaming Star (IC405) and Tadpoles (IC410) nebulae are well-known objects in the constellation of Auriga. Both are emission nebula types, and their…

Christmas Tree cluster and Cone nebula

The Christmas Tree star cluster (NGC2264) was named for its triangular shape made of young stars, that look like a tree. A bit below that cluster…

M45 Pleiades

M45 Pleiades (Seven Sisters)

About 450 light-years away in the constellation of Taurus there is a famous Pleiades cluster, that landed in the Messier catalog under the M45 symbol…

M44 open cluster annotated

M44 Beehive Cluster

There were several clear nights at the end of February this year. I was not able to take a trip to dark locations, unfortunately, so I have just set…