William Optics ZenithStar 80 II ED - astrophoto review
It has been already three years since I have Samyang 135 as my travel astroimaging lens. On the other hand, I use Meade 10″ ACF telescope in my…
QHY247C review - part I
The adventure with the QHY247C camera has begun due to my portable imaging setup doubts. After several summer holidays with my traveling setup, I…
Star removal with Starnet++
If you are processing astronomy deep space images sooner or later you start to think that all these beautiful stars are not always wanted. When you…
Canon 550D astrophotography - first light
Back to the basics – it has been already eight years since I shoot astroimages with modified Canon cameras: Canon 20D and sometime later Canon…
Mount periodic error
If you already have the motorized mount or you plan to purchase one, then probably you are already familiar with this term. Some claim that periodic…
LowSpec amateur spectroscope
Check spectra obtained with LowSpec here Check other entries related to spectroscopy here I have been looking for different aspects of astronomy…
SGPro short review
I took a first look at Sequence Generator Pro astrophotography software about two years ago. Due to unfortunate weather I was able to perform only…
Thirty months with Samyang 135 f/2
It's been well over two years since I got into my hands Samyang 135 f/2 glass and use it as my primary astrophotography lens. Since that time I…
Processing color Moon images
The Moon is very tempting and graceful imaging target. It is enough to have some longer focal length instrument without any tracking abilities to…