Barnard 352 (larger) and 353 (smaller and less dense) are two dust clouds in the Cygnus constellation. Framed region is at the northern part of well known NGC7000 nebula. Not much else to see here except of whole lot of stars. According to Instellarum atlas there are two open clusters there – Bar 1 at top right part (can be spotted) and NGC6996 at bottom part in the middle (no idea where it is).
I imaged this dust cloud from my usual place – suburban backyard skyshed. Instrument was APO 130mm refractor with 0/79x focal reducer, QHY163M camera with Baader filters and EQ6 mount. It is 99×3 minutes of luminance, 3x15x3 minutes of RGB, and 120 minutes of hydrogen alpha… but eventually this Ha signal was not mixed with LRGB, because the HaLRGB result of this particular frame was not good. And it was “first light” of AstroLink 4 mini device 🙂
What impresses me much at such LRGB natural color astroimages is how many different hues and shades are present there. In my opinion it is much more impressive than narrowband high contrasty products. But LRGB astrophotography requires dark sky 🙁

Large version here

Clear skies