160 minutes of luminance made in Zatom. 120 minutes of RGB made in Nieborowice. Some time for processing, and here it is – M51 – Whirlpool galaxy. One of the icons of night sky, impressive spiral galaxy seen en face together with its smaller company – NGC5195. And decorated with some stars plus a few fainter fuzzies.
Refractor TS130/910 0.79x, Atik383, EQ6.

M51 Whirlpool galaxy and surroundings
M51 Whirlpool galaxy and surroundings

Full size here https://astrojolo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2016-06-10-M51.jpg

M51 Whirlpool galaxy - close up
M51 Whirlpool galaxy – close up

Clear skies!