IC2574 dwarf galaxy is a member of M81 Group. It has been discovered in 1898 by Edwin Coddington so it is also known as Coddington Nebula. Total apparent brightness of this galaxy is 10.6mag and its angular size 12.3×5.9′. In this galaxy many regions of star formation can be spotted. This type of dwarf irregular galaxies are known as one of the oldest objects in the Universe. Scientists call them often living fossils, so they can help us to determine evolution fo more complex galaxies, like our Milky Way.
In IC2574 galaxy there are many supernovae bubbles. In these areas lot of new stars are born.

Images has been pictured in Zatom on 2015, March 19 with 200/800 newtonian, Atik383 camera and LRGB filters. Exposures: 24:5:5:5 x 10 minutes. In negative version after stretching the picture some traces of Integrated Flux Nebula can be found, however in this area there is not much of it:

There are stars and other items up to 23mag apparent brightness registered in the picture. When we enalrge any part of the frame we can see most of the spots are actually very distant galaxies, not a stars:

Clear skies!