IC1848 Soul Nebula is quite extended object and there is no way for my setup to cover it all at once. But even in narrow field images there is plenty of interesting objects to notice there, like “Fish” globule at the picture below. It is IRAS 02497+6018 http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=%406150674&Name=IRAS%2002497%2b6018&submit=submit object – you can see it in the right bottom corner of the picture:

Detail of IC1848 Soul nebula - notice "Fish" globule in lower right
Detail of IC1848 Soul nebula – notice “Fish” globule in lower right

It is 4h exposed with hydrogen alpha filter. Atik383 camera, TS130/910 0.79x refractor, EQ6 mount.