Cepheus attacks again – this time with the Cave nebula (aka Sh2-155 or Caldwell 9). It is beautiful object in LRGB, but requires dark sky for this technique. My backyard sky is not so fortunate, so I decided to picture it with HaRGB filter set. There is 12 hours of exposures total with 130mm triplet refractor and Atik383 camera. 

Sh2-155 Cave nebula with vdB155 in the lower right
Sh2-155 Cave nebula with vdB155 in the lower right

Full size here https://astrojolo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2016-09-14-S155-2.jpg

At the lower right part there is vdB155 reflection nebula. And little bit to the left – faint, but evidently red carbon star.
Clear skies!